Saturday, August 25, 2012

Introduction (Lesson 02) - Argument Refutation & Bible Authority


As we have already looked into some of the more compelling arguments made for institutionalism, we will now turn our attention to see if those arguments are truly supported by the Scriptures.  Is it fair to claim that an argument made by an institutional advocate is wrong simply because of who made the argument? No! The fair thing to do is to examine the argument made by comparing it to the patterns set forth in the Scriptures.

What This Second Lesson Will Not Be:

·         A Complete Refutation of Every Nuance of Every Argument Ever Made for Institutionalism
·         An Individual Refutation of Every Argument Made in the Prior Lesson
·         A Complete Study on Bible Authority

What This Second Lesson Will Be:

·         A Brief Examination of the Patterns Set Forth in the Bible
·         Some Specific Applications of How Bible Authority and the Patterns Refute Institutional Ideologies
·         A Reminder to Follow the Scriptures as They Are Rather Than Twisting Them to Fit and “Justify” Our Own Preconceived Ideas

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